Falls City Teen Found in Omaha

By Molly Chapple

    A 16-year-old Falls City girl reported missing since early this month, was found Monday night in Omaha, according to her mother. She was taken into custody by the Omaha Police and is being held at a youth center until a court appearance, yet to be determined.
    Sarah Norton, of Falls City, went missing on Saturday, June 28, at her home at 212 W. 10th St., according to her mother, Veronica Hall. At the time, Sarah was serving house arrest in connection with past incidents of running away from home.
    She was wearing an ankle monitor, and Hall said that she was usually notified if the monitor transmitted a signal. However, shortly after Norton went missing, a neighbor found the ankle monitor hidden on the neighbor’s property, underneath a lawnmower. Sarah had apparently cut it off before fleeing Falls City. Norton failed to appear at a July 2 court date regarding her probation.
    Specific details regarding the case are not yet known.
   Check back to www.fcjournal.net for further developments.

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