Hogue, Scholl FCHS Homecoming Royalty

2013 Falls City High School Homecoming Royalty, from left: Levi Hitchcock, Karlene Embretson, King Reese Hogue, Queen Allyson Scholl, Justin Doerr and Kirstyn Buchholz. Photo by Jim Langan.


Falls City High School seniors Reese Hogue and Allyson Scholl were crowned 2013 Homecoming King and Queen at halftime of the Tigers’ football victory over Auburn Friday night at Jug Brown Stadium.

Crowning the winners were the 2012 Royalty, Queen Jenny Wendtlandt and King David von Behren. They were attended by freshman Student Council reps Molly Brown and Brooke Lotter.

Reese, the son of Don and Terri Hogue, has been a member of the football and basketball teams all four years, earning letters the past three years, along with academic all-state honors in both sports as well. He has also competed in track all four years and has lettered the last two. Reese is a member of F-CLub and FCA and has taken part in mock trial, Appelderas and one-act for all four years.

He has been a PAL, or Peers Always Learning, Mentor for three years, has participated in the spring musical and band for two years and is currently the Senior Class President. Reese is a member of the National Honor Society, where he serves as President; has been on the Orange and Black Honor Roll and a Student of the Month all four years; as well as being the recipient of the Daughters of the American Revolution and VFW Voice of Democracy Awards. Reese has also maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout high school.

Outside of school, Reese has volunteered as a Falls City Youth Ambassador and is a member of the River of Hope Fellowship. He has worked as a Falls City Recreation umpire during the summer and referee for soccer and basketball competitions.

He has mowed yards during the summer months for the past several years and recently has worked part-time at W&D’s Auto Care. Reese has also competed as a member of the Falls City Legion Blue Storm Baseball team for four years.

In the future, Reese plans to attend college to study social sciences and hopes to one day become a teacher and coach.

Other King candidates were Levi Hitchcock, the son of Phil and Stormy Hitchcock, and Justin Doerr, the son of Doc and Tracy Doerr.

Allyson, the daughter of Steve and Brenda Scholl, has participated in softball for four years, lettering all four and earning the honor of captain her senior year; she has played basketball for four years, lettering the past two; and she has competed and lettered in track and as a member of cheerleading all four years. Allyson has also been involved in Applederas, commederas, and chorus all four years; and is a member of F-club.

She has served as a class officer for four years and is currently the Senior Class Treasurer. Allyson has also been on the Honor Roll all four years, and she is a PAL, or Peers Always Learning, Mentor.

Outside of School Allyson is a member of the First United Methodist Church, where she takes part in LOGOS and volunteers as a vacation bible school teacher. She works as a waitress at Terri Jo’s Restaurant and volunteers at the Humane Society. Allyson is also involved in gymnastics and competition cheerleading, where she was part of the National and Grand National Cheerleading Championship Squad the past two years. Allyson has also competed as a member of the Falls City Travelers Softball Program and for Coach Carl’s Bombers this past year.

Allyson’s future plans include attending college to major in special education.

Other Queen candidates were Kirstyn Buchholz, daughter of Kent and Julie Buchholz, and Karlene Embretson, daughter of Kyle and Angie Embretson.

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