Category: General News
Claim settled for $350,000-BOE votes to replace high school bleachers
District 56 School Superintendent Tim Heckenlively reported that ALICAP, the school’s risk liability pool insurance carrier, settled a…
Falls City EDGE Annual Banquet
Falls City EDGE held its annual banquet last week at the Elks Club to celebrate 2016 and…
Squaw Creek shall be called a new name
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Daniel Ashe early last month apparently made the decision to rename…
Falls City PD wins award for first annual National Night Out
In August 2016, the Falls City Police Dept. and City of FC hosted the very first National Night…
DSA nominations due Jan. 5
It’s that time again! The Falls City Area Jaycees are seeking nominations to honor those who have shown…
SCC approves land purchase for Learning Center
The Southeast Community College Board of Governors last week approved the purchase of some eight acres of land…
Swiftest justice
The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees individuals to a speedy trial. Though “speedy” is a relative…
Symphony of splishes, splashes may once again fill the warm summer air at Dallas Jones Park
The Falls City Lane Leadership group, established two years ago by the Chamber of Commerce to promote…
Guilty verdict returned in 2015 shooting death
It took a jury little more than an hour Friday afternoon to find 35-year-old Desiderio Hernandez guilty…
Jurors seated, first degree murder trial gets underway
The first degree murder trial of Desiderio C. “Desi” Hernandez scheduled to begin in February, then May, then…