Falls City man gets 2-for-1 deal

A 29-year-old Falls City man convicted of consummation of a felony, in addition to theft, last Tuesday, Sept. 16, in Richardson County District Court was given a pair of jail sentences, but they’ll run at the same time, he gets a head start of nearly six months and may get by without even having to pay Court costs.

Jeremy Vice, 29, of 823 Chase St., pled no contest to aiding the consummation of a felony, a Class IV Felony, and to an unrelated misdemeanor theft charge. Judge Daniel Bryan sentenced him to serve a period of 20-48 months in the Nebraska Dept. of Corrections on the felony and one year in county jail on the theft. The sentences, though, run concurrent and Vice was allowed credit for 168 days already served in jail. Since he will be eligible for parole in 10 months, Vice could feasibly get out in fewer than five months. He was also ordered to pay Court costs of $153.50 in each case, but will be allowed to make it up by serving a handful of additional days in jail (credit of $90 per day).

Vice was sentenced for his role in an April 1, 2014 burglary at 1007 E. 11th St., where a safe containing money and prescription medication was taken. The theft charge was in connection with French doors being taken from David L. Frederick on March 30 or 31 of this year.

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