County enters agreement on preliminary design phase


During their March 18 meeting, the Richardson County Commissioners voted to enter into agreement with a St. Joseph, MO, firm for the preliminary design phase for a jail and law enforcement center at the Armory building.

The decision followed a presentation from two representatives from the Goldberg Group Architects, PC. Artie Lucas and Derek Ptomey presented proposed renovations and additions, as well as an agreement for architectural and engineering services.

Sheriff Randy Houser recommended that the county enter into the contract agreement. County Attorney Doug Merz also attended the meeting and reviewed the contract.

The initial obligation from the county is $3,500.

Lucas had previously met with the board and suggested prefabricated steel cells as an option in what would be the new jail area.

Merz also reviewed a claim submitted by Lancaster County that was denied by Richardson County in 2011 involving reimbursement on a general assistance claim. Lancaster County has been corresponding with Merz about the denial of the claim and he has requested authorization from the Commissioners to send a response that the claim was denied and that proper action was duly taken to notify Lancaster County of the denial at that time.

Later in the meeting, board members Dave Sickel, Jim Davidson and Jim Standerford met with Merz in executive session to discuss pending litigation.

The board held their weekly meeting with Highway Supt. Scott Huppert, who reviewed bridge construction projects. Preliminary plans for the replacement of a structure on 720 Road between 641 and 642 Avenue were presented.  This project is to be cost shared with Nemaha County.

Huppert and the board discussed the condition of the “Dustless Highway” and the action needed to make necessary repairs.

Board members approved an agreement with OPPD for the use of county road right-of-way two miles east and a mile south of Verdon and okayed the corresponding resolution, and approved a fee report from Sheriff Houser for fees collected in February totaling $18,989.77.




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