SunMart seeks liquor license

The Falls City Council will meet in regular session at 6 p.m. next Monday, March 17, in Chambers located at 2307 Barada St.

Several items appear on the agenda, most notably a public hearing, discussion and action regarding an application for a liquor license by SunMart grocery store.

If history is any indication, Monday’s meeting won’t necessarily be a happy hour for the Falls City grocer.

State regulations call for liquor outlets not to be located within 150 feet of a church. Both the First Presbyterian Church (20th and Harlan) and First Brethren Church (19th and Lane) sit immediately adjacent to SunMart. But even if they clear that hurdle, the Council certainly won’t automatically give its collective blessing.

Three years ago, Pamida — which is safely located more than the necessary 150 feet from a church — made a similar attempt at a liquor license and were voted down 6-0 by the City Council. That said, just three of those councilmen – Steve Scholl, Kirby Robidoux and Jerry Oliver – remain on the council.

In 2011, though, several citizens appeared at the Pamida hearing and none voiced their support for the liquor license. One, Judy Murphy, has since become a member of the Council. One with a perfect voting record in denying every liquor license application brought to City Hall.

In addition, Mayor Tim Hersh spoke out against the application in 2011, as did people from First Christian Church and a local liquor store owner and would-be competitor.

Also on next Monday’s agenda:

— Application for Community Development Block Grant 14-DTR-Downtown Revitalization Phase I Grant for $6500.00

— Discussion and Action – Resolution to approve CDBG 14-DTR–Downtown Revitalization Phase I Grant for $6,500 and City match of $1,700.

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