Henrietta Coatsworth

Henrietta Coatsworth, 97, died Sept. 28, 20l3, in Lincoln. The daughter of John and Barbara Sauer, she was born in Hiawatha in l9l6. The family moved to Falls City a year later.

She was an honors graduate at Falls City High School. She spent two years in store management training, after which she was employed by Hovland Swanson in Lincoln. During World War II she moved to Los Angeles, CA, where she was employed by Bullocks Wilshire, and also worked with a hard of hearing clinic and did volunteer USO service.

She was married to Franklyn Coatsworth in l945 in Austin, TX. At the close of the war she returned to Lincoln, again working for Hovland Swanson in sales and as a designer buyer, retiring in l98l.

She was preceded in death by her husband, three brothers and seven sisters. She is survived by two sons, two granddaughters and a grandson.

A private burial of cremains was at Lincoln Memorial Park.

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