FC City Council looks to discuss and take action on the appointment of Anthony Nussbaum as City Administrator

During the next City Council meeting, the council looks to discuss and take action on the appointment of Anthony Nussbaum as City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer.

The appointment would be effective upon Anthony Nussbaum being able to assume the office full-time which shall occur in not less than 60 days.  Nussbaum would be assuming duties full time, with the salary of City Administrator being set at $85,000 per year until changed by resolution of the Council.

The new City Administrator would further receive all other employee benefits previously granted to the City Administrator.

During the interim between the appointment and taking office full-time, an hourly wage of $25.00 per hour would be paid for time spent by
Anthony Nussbaum on behalf of the City without any other employee benefits.

The Council will take action on the possible appointment this Monday night, March 21 at 6:00 at the City Council meeting.