DSA nominations due Jan. 5

It’s that time again! The Falls City Area Jaycees are seeking nominations to honor those who have shown outstanding leadership in and around the community in 2016.
    On Page 3 of today’s Falls City Journal, a large nomination ballot is included to be used for nomination of persons to be recognized at the Monday, Jan. 16 Jaycees’ Distinguished Service Awards Ceremony held at the Elks Club.
    Nomination forms may be emailed to Stefanie Wenz at swenz84@gmailcom and are available online at sites.google.com/site/fcjayceesdsa/
    The Jaycees urge everyone to take some time to submit the names of those deserving of the appropriate awards. The Jaycees take great pride in recognizing those who excel in making the community a better place to live. The public’s input is essential in making the awards ceremony a success.
    Following is a clarification of the specifics regarding the Distinguished Service Awards program:
    Anyone is eligible for nomination, as noted in each category (see nomination ballot); nominees in each category are judged using a scoring and voting system with the winners receiving the best overall scores and/or votes; families and friends of the winners will be notified the week before the banquet to help arrange winners’ attendance.
    When making your nominations, it is strongly recommended that you include a resume or letter of recommendation that fully describes your nominee’s accomplishments specifically in 2016, as well as past activities. Also, add reasons why you feel he/she is deserving of winning that particular award.
    Every year the Jaycees host the annual DSA Ceremony with the primary purpose to recognize that the community of Falls City is blessed to have many wonderful individuals who make a real difference in people’s lives. This ceremony is our chance, as a community, to reflect on these gifts and celebrate volunteerism.
    Mail DSA nominations, due by Thursday, Jan. 5, to: DSA Nominations, c/o Falls City Area Jaycees, P.O. Box 202, Falls City, NE 68355.

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