The Humboldt-TR-Steinauer School District #70 is considering closing its Table Rock site and first-year Supt. Sherri Edmundson last week sought guidance from School Board members during their regular monthly meeting in Humboldt.
The District is weighing the pros and cons of closing the Table Rock site, which is currently utilized for about 100 students in grades 5 through 8, and sending all the children to Humboldt. Though there is no official plan in place to close the site, Edmundson said it is a conversation that must be aired. Six instructors are currently making the nine-mile drive between the two sites each day. They are allowed an hour for travel time and Edmundson said the time lost on the road is equivalent to another full-time hire.
The Table Rock school building is due for some big-budget maintenance items, including a new boiler. The superintendent also wants Board members to consider savings from wages and utilities if the school is closed.
On the other hand, they may find that the Humboldt school building isn’t big enough to facilitate an incursion of more than 100 additional students.
The discussion will begin in earnest at the 7 p.m. Monday, March 14, meeting of the District #70 BOE meeting in the second floor math room in Humboldt.