Before they were sent to the North Pole, the Journal was able (thanks to Falls City North School and some digging in the archives) to intercept some interesting “letters to Santa,” over the last five decades. Here’s a look at “letters to Santa” that have been published in the Falls City Journal over the years.
Dec. 21, 1971
Dear Santa,
I would like a clock radio alarm for Christmas. And that’s all I want. I would like that very much. I thought I heard you last year. But I didn’t get up! I was afraid I would scare you so I didn’t. Thank you for my gifts. I liked the grain wagon. It is nice but I can’t get anything through it. Everything is too big. I like it anyway. I can’t remember what else you gave me last year. I had so many things I can’t remember.
Love, Terry Fritz, Verdon
Dear Santa,
My brothers Jeff and Jason and me would like you to come to our house in Nortonville this Christmas. We would like for you to bring us a football game, a pool table and some other toys and mom said some clothes too. Please bring our littel bother some thing sot play with cause he breaks all of our stuff.
Love, Jamie, Jeff and Jason Campbell
Dec. 23, 1980
Dear Santa,
Please bring me a big baby dolly, a game, records, Barbie doll, snow books, some snow pants. If you can’t bring me all of those just bring whatever you think I would like. We will leave you a snack on the TV and we’ll leave your birds some popcorn outside. Also some oats for your deer.
Love, Stacy Ann Fischer
PS: We moved since last year and we have a new baby sister. Please bring her something too! Our new address is RR 1, Hiawatha Kansas.
Dear Santa,
Hi! My name is Misty. I am 10. I would like to have a sled if you got one. I would like to have lots of things like a snowsuit, family fued game, the hungry hungry hippo, and a long coat. Do you have eight reindeers?
Your Rulo friend, Misty Kelley
Dear Santa,
Hi! My name is Teecia. I like you very much! for christmas I want a Strawberry Short cakes doll and her set, hungry hungry hippo, and a vest, and most of all I want a sled, and a colored TV but I want you to write me a letter. I am 8 years old. It do not care what you bringing me for you dear Santa you woud no best. I whant a fur coat it does not care what color it is. I want a shirt and a pear of jeans and a par of shoes, record player with a milkrphone. I like you very much.
Dec. 22, 1993
Dear Santa,
Hi! My name is John Michael Hall and I’m writing this letter to ask you why you only come once a year and to ask you for a new tools set and a new pool tadle.
Your friend, John Michael Hall
Dear Santa,
I’ve been really good this year But sometimes I fight with my brothers, Dylan and Levi. I want some presents for Christmas. A pen, a Barbie doll, red shoes, a house with doors, windows and a roof and everything and that’s all.
Love, Morgan Handley
DEC. 23, 2003
Dear Santa,
Christmas is my favorite! Santa is my favorite too! Santa, please give me presents. I gave you milk, cookies and apples. Have your found your reindeer? Have you found Ruldoph? I gave an angel and my mom a ring, and Travis a flashlight.
Dear Santa,
all I want for Christmas is moose horns and 45 packs of pokemon cards bigs ones a turtle, bunny, hamster, snake, my own uno attack game and animal games also I would like one boy German Shepard and a girl one. I love you!
Dear Santa,
I have deen a good girl. I go to my grandmas house every mornning, I would like you to bring me a glow in the dark basketball and Bratzdolls and a new born baby and a meciecal baby and carrier for baby.
Dec. 22, 2015
Dear Santa,
I hope you know where all of us live. Do you have a globe of the earth to find us or do you use a map? We have been working hard to learn so we can pass to other grades. We will leave cookies, milk and carrots (ranch if the reindeers want it). Some of us will leave a trail of glitter that will lead you to the food. We thank you for the presents and Merry Christmas!!!!!
From, Mrs. Kirkendall’s 2nd Grade Class, Falls City
Dear Santa,
Here is our wish list and why we would like to have these things.
Minecraft Steve costume so I can play a prank on my sister and scare her, Josh.
A trampoline because my other one broke, Molly.
Ipad so we can play games, Shiree and Clara.
Lego Batman since I like Batman and Legos I would just combine the two of them, Cade.
Drone with a camera so I can sneak on my sister. Chloe
iPad because my sister has one, MyKayla.
Legos since I like to build, Brock.
Legos because they are fun to build with, Tallon.
Tablet because my brother has one, Orion.
Playstation 3 to play with friends, Jaiden.
iPod so it would be all mine, Hayden.
Tablet to play games, Noah.
Tracking system so I can find the animals to hunt with mom and dad, Brody.
Ipod to play games, Jayden.
iPhone 6 to share with my brother and play games, Chase.
To see more letters to Santa, pick up a Journal today.