Eagle Days

Photo by Chelsie Alexander
Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge celebrated Eagle Days on Dec. 5th and 6th with live Eagle programs, Eagle displays and an Eagle viewing station and auto tour. Bald eagles migrate to the refuge by late fall and early winter. As many as 300 immature and adult bald eagles and an occasional golden eagle may be seen during the migration peak, usually by the first of December. A record 476 bald eagles were counted during a 2001 survey. A few bald eagles may spend the winter and summer on the refuge. Migrating eagles leave the refuge in spring and summer returning to lakes and streams in the northern forests. On Dec. 1, the Refuge estimated there were 994, Greater White-fronted Goose; 320,000, Snow Goose; 1,922, Canada Goose; 37,671, Mallard and 20 Bald Eagles on the refuge.

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