At 17, Brady Beran had everything going for him. Great student, Gifted athletic abilities, Goals set high, then, one night during a football game in 2004, he stared death in the eye, and his life changed forever.
Brady had been minutes from death after collapsing on the sidelines of a varsity football game. He was taken to the hospital and rushed into surgery with a slim chance of survival.
The doctors were about to come out to tell his parents he hadn’t made it, when a miracle happened and he began to turn around. “Prayers and the grace of God saved my life that night, “ but that was just the start of the story. Brady faced death several more times during those next five weeks while he remained in a coma and endured four more major surgeries.
At the end of October, 2004, Brady finally was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital, unable to speak, read, walk or swallow. From the moment Brady started to come back, he was so glad to be alive, so grateful for every moment. With the help of five people he started to take a few steps.
Brady had been a 4.0 student, and now he could read at barely a kindergarten level and do only simple math. All of this could have frustrated Brady, but it didn’t. Through many hours of intense therapy, Brady was able to get back to school and graduate with his high school class. Though few would have believed it could happen, Brady was able to complete the tests that showed he could start college, which he has graduated from. He is still planning on going to graduate school to seek a degree to be a counselor.
Brady has moved from a quiet teen before the accident, to an ‘on-fire’ entertainer, ready to share his Passion for Life with the world.
Brady will be in Falls City sharing his story with the community on Tuesday, Sept. 22 at Community Medical Center at 10:00 a.m. then he will be in Humboldt in the old gym at Humboldt-Table Rock-Steiner at 1:00 p.m.
On Wednesday, Sept. 23 he will be speaking at Falls City High School in the auditorium at 10 a.m. and to the parents at 7 p.m. On Thursday, Sept. 24 Brady will be speaking at Auburn High school at 1 p.m.
Brady is sharing information on concussion symptoms, facts and when to report symptoms to your doctor.
The event is sponsored by TSMF, Tanner Shelby Merz Foundation.