The homeroom class of Mrs. Karen Flynn at the Falls City Middle School was recently honored with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Fort Sam Houston Warrior and Family Support Center located in San Antonio, Texas. The students had sent Valentine’s Day cards to the center for distribution to Soldiers and their family members that were recovering from injuries and illnesses sustained from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mrs. Flynn has encouraged her homeroom class to do something special each year and this year after telling them about her experience with Wounded Warriors and assisting with her husband’s recovery at both Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC and at Fort Sam Houston, the students chose to send the Valentine’s Day cards to Texas.
The certificate reads:
“Certificate of Appreciation is Presented to Falls City Middle School for your generous contribution to the Fort Sam Houston Warrior and Family Support Center, established in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Your willing assistance demonstrates your concern for our Warriors and their Families and exemplifies the spirit of America.”
Frank E. Blakely II, manager of the Fort Sam Houston Army Support Activity, signed it.
Congratulations to these outstanding young people and their excellent example of unselfishness. The simple act of sending a card of happiness and joy to an injured and hurting Soldier and Family member cannot be measured. To be remembered and respected is worth more than anything money can buy. What a great lesson to learn and to share with others.
Students photographed, front row, from left: Hannah Feighner, David McCartney, Gabby Frazier (holding certificate), Lexie Buckminster, Tarcis Coronado, Megan Vice; back row, Taegen Kratz, Jordyn Bomar, Josie Crofford, Mrs. Karen Flynn, Austin Aldana, Isaiah Florea, Joel Gifford.