Salary hikes for elected officials

During their Tuesday, Jan. 7, meeting, the Richardson County Commissioners established, through resolution, the new salaries for elected officials and their deputies for 2015-2018.

The resolution was adopted unanimously by Commissioners Dave Sickel, Jim Davidson and Jim Standerford.

For 2015, the elected County Clerk, County Treasurer, County Assessor and Clerk of the District Court will earn salaries of $47,750, with increases of $1,500 each year through 2018. Office deputies will receive 75 percent of those officials’ salaries. The County Clerk will also earn $3,000 annually as Election Commissioner, and $2,000 each year as the budget making authority.

The 2015 salary for the Richardson County Sheriff will be $55,950, also with a $1,500 increase each year. The Sheriff’s Chief Deputy will receive 80 percent of the Sheriff’s salary.

The 2015 salary for the position of Commissioner will be $20,760, with an increase of $750 each year.

A salary of $58,380 was set for the Richardson County Attorney beginning in 2015, with a 5 percent increase each year through 2018.  His/her deputy will receive 80 percent of that salary.

The salary for the County Surveyor will be $10,700.  The annual increase was set at $300.

Board members moved to adjust by 2.75 percent (effective Jan. 1, 2014) the following positions:  clerical positions in the offices of treasurer, assessor, Veterans Service office, Cooperative Extension Service, EMA office and Courthouse maintenance.

County officials also are entitled to health, medical and life insurance group coverage, as well as a retirement plan.  These benefits are called for by state statutes.

Board members met with Highway Supt. Scott Huppert, who provided his weekly update.  Bill Ely met with the board to inquire about the possibility of replacing a culvert on 720 Road, west of 642 Avenue.  The county received notice to proceed for the acquisition of right-of-way on the Stella Southeast project.

The board moved to approve the grant application for the 2014 Juvenile Services Grant application to the Nebraska Crime Commission.  Some local matching funds would be required.  

EMA Director Jim Gerweck met with the board to review that position and upcoming personnel changes.  Gerweck has since retired from the position.

A resolution was adopted in regard to the approval of applications from financial institutions to serve as county depositories for 2014.

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