Falls City Lions Club President Reverend Lyle Schoen (center) presented Katelin Lunsford (Schoen’s right) and Jesse Butrick, both members of the Falls City High Class of 2013, with the club’s annual Orris C. Hatch Memorial Scholarships. Katelin’s mother, Mary, and Jesse’s father, Clayton, are also pictured. |
The 2013 Falls City Lions Club Orris C. Hatch Memorial Scholarships were announced last week at the club’s monthly luncheon and this year’s recipients are Jesse Butrick and Katelin Lunsford, both members of the Falls City High Class of 2013.
Butrick, the son of Clayton and April Butrick of Falls City, was a member of the honor roll and very active in sports, particularly wrestling and football. Jesse plans on attending Southeast Community College in Milford to pursue a degree in the electronic/mechanical areas.
Katelin is the daughter of Thomas and Mary Lunsford of Falls City. She was also a member of the honor roll, participated in band and chorus, and was very active in Girl Scouts. Katelin will attend college this fall and pursue a degree in nursing.
Each of the scholarships were in the amount of $500.