Ben Hullman’s term as 2013 Nebraska Elks Association State President officially got underway Sunday morning in North Platte, as the installation of state officers capped the annual three-day state convention at the Sandhills Convention Center.
Hullman, who was accompanied in North Platte by his wife, Kristi, becomes just the fifth state president from Falls City (Edwin Stokes, 1989; Lowell Lewis, 1971; Paul D. Zimmer, 1955; and W.W. Jenne, 1922).
Also attending from Falls City were Lodge Exalted Ruler Josh Ramer and his wife, Megan, Brian and Nikki McKim, Rob and Kristy Gerweck, Kevin and Cathy Gutshall, Steve Hoy and Mike Gilmore.
Hullman’s first order of business was the appointment of state committee chairs and state officers. He appointed Kristy Gerweck as State Chaplain.
During his presentation, Hullman urged Elks leaders throughout the state to “focus on promoting ourselves and what we do for our communities,” noting 6,700 Nebraska youth participated in the Hoop Shoot contest this past winter.
Throughout the year, the new State President will visit each of the 20 Nebraska Elks Lodges and will represent the state at Grand Lodge in Reno, NV. He will also attend the State Soccer Shoot in Hastings, the State Hoop Shoot in York and the Regional Hoop Shoot in Denver, as well as the Nebraska Elks Fall Conference in North Platte in August.