It’s no secret – Governor Heineman loves Falls City!

Falls City was honored at the State Capitol April 2 as the 2013 winner of the Governor’s Showcase Community Award. On hand for the presentation from Gov. Dave Heineman, from left: Bart Keller, Carla Rhodd, Ryan Schutte, Eric Barr, Jerry Oliver, Gov. Heineman, Beckie Cromer, Gary Jorn, Beth Sickel and Eric Kresin of CGB.

Falls City was honored at the State Capitol Tuesday, April 2, as the 2013 winner of the Governor’s Showcase Community Award.  Governor Dave Heineman announced the award while proclaiming March 31-April 6 as Community Development Week in Nebraska.

Tuesday’s ceremony highlighted the importance of federal Community Development Block Grants as “the key that opens doors of opportunity for communities desiring to undertake critical need community and economic development projects.”

Falls City is described as one of the best small communities in the state, having a greater than five-year track record at establishing and cementing valuable partnerships among citizens, business owners and local and state governmental organizations…(More)


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