Armory bids opened

The Richardson County Commissioners opened sealed bids on Tuesday, Feb. 26, from firms interested in a possible project to convert the county-owned Army into a jail/law enforcement facility.


Proposals were received from Prochaska & Associates, Omaha, Carlson West Povondra, Treanor Architects, Lawrence, KS, and Johnson Construction, Inc., Sioux Falls, SD.  Archi+etc, LCC, Lincoln, declined to submit a proposal at this time.

All of the proposals were accepted for further review by board members Dave Sickel, Jim Davidson and Jim Standerford and Sheriff Randy Houser.  Two of the firms were represented at the meeting.

A public hearing was held to hear support or opposition to the Richardson County 1 & 6 Year Road Plan as presented by Highway Supt. Scott Huppert.  Judy Burgett attended the hearing and inquired about the status of the Humboldt NW bridge that collapsed last spring.  Huppert said engineering is being done and that the project should let out for bid this summer.

After the hearing was closed, the board moved to approve the plan.

The committee appointed to review the procedures for the county’s payroll presented their recommendation to comply with the recommendation of the Nebraska State Auditor’s Office.  The recommendation was to change the payroll period to be calculated every two weeks and to provide the opportunity for employees to take advantage of direct deposits.  The recommendation was to be considered at today’s meeting.

Extension Educator Lindsay Chichester reported that she will be leaving Richardson County as she has accepted a position with Saunders County Extension.  Jami Rutt, 4-H aide, requested to do some updating (painting) in the Extension Office.  The board approved the request.
County Treasurer Austin Duerfeldt also requested office updates, including some minor repairs, painting and carpeting.  Board members approved the request, which Duerfeldt will coordinate.

Sheriff Houser met with the board and requested authorization to advertise for sealed bids for patrol units, or to purchase units on the state bid contracts.  He said he has received a quote from Hullman’s Ford in Falls City for a unit that was bid through the state contract.  Houser reported that 20 hours of training is now required for all Nebraska law enforcement officials and that this will create some added expenses to sheriffs’ budgets.  He said that two dispatchers recently attended training and that it was excellent.  Radio communications were also discussed.

The board moved to amend the terms of the lease agreement entered into on Dec. 21, 2011, with Telecom Construction for the use of the Armory building (effective March 1).

EMA Director Jim Gerweck and Deputy EMA Director Roger Goos reviewed the report of the Homeland Security Grant Monitoring Visit of Dec. 6, 2012, and Highway Supt. Huppert reported that a demonstration will be given in April on the application of magnesium chloride for dust control on certain county roads.  Representatives from Nemaha and Pawnee counties will also be invited to this demonstration.

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