Sub-District Basketball — Falls City Sacred Heart COVID Protocols

These are the current NSAA requirements for hosting sub-district and district contests:

• Active participants are permitted to wear face coverings during completion, but not required.

• Coaches and non-active participants are required to wear face coverings.

• Spectators are required to wear face coverings at all time.

• Attendance is restricted to 75 percent occupancy unless local health departments or host schools are more restrictive.

• The host may establish additional requirements. Any additional requirements implemented by the host school must be the same for all schools, officials and spectators.

Games will be live-streamed on YouTube at Fcsacredheart. The link is:

• It’s requested that temperatures be taken of all those traveling with the team (athletes, coaches, managers, bus drivers) before traveling to Sacred Heart School.

• Athletes are permitted to wear face coverings during competition, but are not required.

• All athletes, coaches and bench personnel are required to wear face coverings on the bench.

• Score-table personnel must be masked.

• The home team will sit on the east bench (left as you face) and the visitor on the west bench (right as you face).

• Teams are to bring their own basketballs for warm-ups.

• Pre-game and post-game handshakes are prohibited.

• Teams are to exit the court immediately after their game concludes.

Fan Information

• It is asked that all self-screen themselves before attending activities at Sacred Heart School.

• Due to 75 percent occupancy each school is allowed 185 spectators per game. Gate Lists will not be required but the number of fans will be counted. Fans that arrive after the first 185 will be turned away. Spectators will only be allowed to attend the game their team is competing in. Please do not arrive early for the second game of the evening. Please leave immediately after the early game ends. Sacred Heart will require a Gate List to insure the 185 spectator max.

• Lewiston’s and Sterling’s spectators should enter the south entrance into the Roh Activity Center.

• College View’s, Diller-Odell’s, and FCSH’s spectators should enter the north entrance into the Roh

Activity Center

• Lewiston’s and Sterling’s spectators will use the south bleachers. College View’s, Diller-Odell’s, and

FCSH’s spectators will sit in the north bleachers.

• South bleacher spectators will use the RAC south restrooms. North bleacher spectators will use the



• Face coverings are required and social distancing is required at all times. Family members are

required to sit together.

• Fans are to leave immediately at the conclusion of all games to limit gatherings.

• CONCESSIONS will be served but in a limited capacity.

• No cheerleaders or pep bands are allowed.