James H. “Smitty” Smith

James H. “Smitty” Smith, 70, of Falls City, NE, passed away December 5, 2019. He was born August 11, 1949 to Harold and Ruby (Scholz) Smith.

Smitty was raised in Falls City and graduated Falls City High School 1969. He worked as an usher at the Rivoli Theater, J. C. Penny’s and also at Armbruster Motor Company. He retired in 1995 due to his health. Jim loved his hometown of Falls City. He served faithfully on Falls City Council. Loved the local high school sports teams like Falls City High and Sacred Heart and was an avid fan of Nebraska football, Royals baseball and Chiefs football. He loved spending time with friends uptown especially Sefreids Barbershop, Bindle’s Barbershop and Ken’s Pharmacy. Jim loved his high school classmates as he faithfully attended the Falls City High School Alumni dinners. He was a member of First Christian Church, Falls City Elks Lodge, where he served as Tiler for over 25 years, and the Jim Smith Society.

He is survived by his brother, Clint of Kearney, NE, nephew, David Smith and his wife Jennie and their son Timothy of Modesto, CA, adopted sister, Kellee (Jon) Kean of Salem, NE.

He was preceded in death by his parents.

His funeral will be held on Saturday, December 14, 2019 at 10:00 AM at First Christian Church with Reverend Fay Ann Blaylock officiating. Interment will be in Lancaster Cemetery at Lancaster, KS.

Open visitation and viewing will begin Thursday afternoon at Dorr and Clark Funeral Home.