There has been extra laughter and cheering coming from Falls City Lanes on Monday nights this fall. The source of this excitement is the Falls City Special Olympic Bowling Team and their coaches and supporters. This group of bowlers meets weekly for practice and will be participating in their first competition in January in Lincoln. The athletes enjoy getting together and improving their skills as well as learning the etiquette of the game.
The seven athletes have learned the Special Olympics oath written by Eunice Kennedy Shriver for the first Special Olympics in 1968: “Let me win. But if I can not win, let me be brave in the attempt.”
Katy Gifford shares, “The athletes know they don’t have to be the best to be winners, but they do need to be brave and try. This is true in bowling, academics, vocational endeavors, and leisure activities. It is a joy to see them celebrating their accomplishments with family and friends.”
The team is coached by Terri Hogue and Kris Simon. Sue Bieker and Katy Gifford serve as team managers. Family members and friends drop in to watch and cheer the team on.
“I love my friends and to get the pins down,” shares Sidney Prichard said.