Grant request for $461,000 to be discussed in detail

A Falls City Downtown Business Owners/Tenants meeting is going to be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday, March 30 in Council Chambers at City Hall. 

The proposed Downtown Revitalization Grant that is being submitted to the Nebraska Department of Economic Development will be presented. The grant is for a total of $461,000 ($444,000 in activities, plus $17,000 in grant administration fees). Planned activities include $200,000 in building façade improvements and $244,000 in sidewalk upgrades. 

Building owners can learn about how the building facade program would work, what types of projects would be eligible and how much money may be available to building owners for this work. There will also be a discussion on matching requirements and preliminary program guideline information.

The proposed sidewalk upgrades will also be discussed and your feedback on project design will be encouraged.

Please plan to attend this important meeting and provide your input into how these grant funds will be utilized. You may contact David Branch at the Main Street/Chamber office at 402-245-4228 or Lisa Beethe of the Southeast Nebraska Development District at 402-862-2201 with any questions

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