A 29-year-old Falls City man was sentenced to a minimum of 20 months in the Nebraska Dept. of Corrections for two automobile thefts, but was also given credit for 335 days served and will appear before the Parole Board in about nine weeks, on May 20. His projected release date is June 27.
Last week in Richardson County District Court, Judge Daniel E. Bryan Jr. handed down a pair of 20-to-30-month prison terms for Bradley Schlicker after Schlicker previously accepted a deal from prosecutors and pled guilty to attempted theft by unlawful taking and theft by unlawful taking, both Class IV Felonies. He received a lesser sentence for misdemeanor assault, but since the sentences all run concurrent, it plays no role on his prison term. Judge Bryan also waived all court costs.
Schlicker in February pled guilty to stealing a 1996 GMC pickup owned by Patrick Cave, of Falls City, in September 2014. The pickup was later recovered, without tires, and it had sustained some $3,000 damage. The other sentence, or “re-sentence,” stems from a 2013 theft of a Jeep Wrangler from Armbruster Motor Co. Though that vehicle was never recovered, Judge Bryan originally gave Schlicker three years probation, terms of which, according to prosecutors, he violated even before the GMC pickup theft. Paperwork alleging Schlicker failed to report was filed a month before he stole Cave’s truck.
Schlicker was also originally charged with the felony assault of a fellow inmate last fall in Richardson County Jail. The Nebraska Legislature in 2006 revised State Statutes to make it a felony when one inmate strikes or wounds another while in custody, but the County Attorney’s Office dropped it to a misdemeanor in exchange for Schlicker’s guilty plea.
He’s currently being housed at the Diagnostic & Evaluation Center in Lincoln.