Jilted hubby wants his jack back

A local woman “celebrated” her 44th birthday last Wednesday in Richardson County Court, as two felonies related to an Oct. 4 domestic disturbance in Dawson were bound over to District Court for a 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17 arraignment.  

Natalie Auxier remains out on $7,500 bail — money provided by her husband, who now wants it back — and is scheduled to appear in District Court on charges of conspiracy to commit a Class II Felony and accessory to a Class II Felony. A third count, carrying a concealed weapon, was dismissed without prejudice. 

Auxier and 47-year-old Joseph D. Senn Jr., of Craig, MO, were arrested north of Falls City just minutes after then-Sheriff Randy Houser and Deputy Jeff Frederick were dispatched to the Dawson residence of Buckley Auxier, Natalie’s, at least at the time, estranged husband. 

Mr. Auxier reported that Senn had fired a handgun at him. The officers then met Natalie Auxier and Senn driving a Uhaul truck southbound on Hwy. 73 and upon searching the vehicle found a loaded 9-mm handgun, in its firing position. Later, a spent bullet casing was retrieved at the Auxier home. 

Senn faces charges of attempted second degree murder, use of a firearm in commission of a felony, two felony counts of terroristic threats and a misdemeanor charge of carrying a concealed weapon. A jury trial remains set for next Tuesday, Feb. 10. If convicted, he faces 20 years to life in prison on the attempted murder charge and up to 50 years in prison for the for use of a firearm to commit a felony. 

Witnesses allege that Senn fired a shot in the direction of Mr. Auxier after Natalie Auxier yelled “shoot him.”

Buckley Auxier later posted bond for the release of his wife; a decision he apparently now regrets. According to court documents, he asked for a refund from the County Clerk last week, but the case had already been sent upstairs to District Court.

“I want my bond fees paid back,” he writes. “She is a flight risk and not safe for my son.” 

He has a valid point – Auxier failed to appear for a November court date and was later apprehended on a warrant by U.S. Marshals in Colorado Springs, CO.

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