City Council seat expected to be filled at Jan. 5 meeting

The City Council will meet in regular session at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 5, 2015 in Chambers at 2307 Barada St.

The Council is expected to appoint Anthony Nussbaum to represent the vacant 4th Ward seat. Nussbaum was recommended by Mayor Jerry Oliver at the Dec. 15 meeting. 

Nussbaum was expected to be appointed at that meeting, but his voter registration was not up to date. He will join Council President Judy Murphy, Jim Wisdom, Don Ferguson, Steve Scholl, John Vaughn, Angie Nolte and Mike Dougherty on the Council.

The Council will also discuss and act on: the appointment of Mayor Oliver as Trustee of the City 457 Deferred Compensation Plan; special designated liquor license applications by Rick Lemerond of Lem’s Northvue Cafe for wedding receptions to be held at Prichard Auditorium on March 7, April 18, May 23 and June 13, 2015; contract for Exchange of Real Estate for the purpose of constructing a Horizontal Collector Well.

Last week, the Council voted unanimously to continue contributing monetary support to Economic Development and Growth Enterprises, Inc., with monthly payments “not to exceed $120,000 annually.” The agreement is in effect through December 2017. 

The following Board appointments by Mayor Oliver were unanimously approved:

Fire Retirement Committee: Kenny Simpson (replacing Ralph Gilkerson).

Planning Commission: Lillian Cromer, John Martin.

CRA – Charlie Radatz, Kevin Malone.

Citizens Advisory Committee: John Nixon

Board of Adjustment: Gary Nelson, Neal Parsons, Sandy Hartman, Dennis Hullman.

Board of Electrical Examiners: Gary Jorn, Ken Arnold, Pat Stamper, Alan Romine.

Board of Health: Police Chief Duane Armbruster, Mayor Jerry Oliver, Council President Judy Murphy, City Attorney Mike Dunn, Gayle Keller.

Board of Plumbing Examiner: Marc Ramsey, Doug Wheeler.

Cemetery Board: Karla Capps, Karl Steel (replacing Rod Knaup).

Park Board: Denise Daake (replacing Mike Moore), Jeromie Brown.

Police & Fire Employment Selection Board: John Nixon (replacing Paul Weinert).

Tree Board: Eleanor Last.

Housing Board: Ed Harris, Karla Capps, Eleanor Last (replacing Cassie Whalen), Kenny Simpson (replacing Adam Morris).

Animal Control Review Board: Duane Armbruster, Danielle Cromer and Julie Phroper.


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