FCHS King & Queen to be crowned Friday.


  It’s Homecoming Week at Falls City High School, and the 2014 Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned at halftime of Friday night’s 7 p.m. varsity football game with Douglas County West at Jug Brown Stadium.
    The Homecoming King candidates are: Lee Huettner, son of Jeff and Darlena Huettner; Tucker Merz, son of Marc and Sally Merz; and Weston Witt, son of Rich and Susan Witt.
    Queen candidates are Sydney Armbruster, daughter of Duane Armbruster; Sydney Prichard, daughter of Ron and Cassie Prichard; and Maygan Ramsey, daughter of Doug and Christine Ramsey.
    A 4 p.m. pep rally at the stadium will precede the football game. During the event, the band plays, each individual class performs a skit, the Tiger Cheerleaders present a routine and the candidates are introduced.
    After the varsity coaches (Julie Frederick, volleyball; Cody Hawley, cross country; Jason Bredemeier, softball; and Darin Fritz, football) give brief speeches, the senior parents, rumored this year to star a sassy Scot Hartman, deliver their skit, which has over the years become a fan favorite of the Homecoming Pep Rally.

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