Auburn native and Brownville art gallery owner Mary Ann Chaney will be the guest speaker at a Stalder Gallery talk at the Falls City Library & Arts Center at 7 p.m. Friday, July 11. The talk is sponsored by the Richardson County Arts and Humanities Council.
It will open the artist’s solo show titled “In Your Dreams.” According to gallery curator Christina Wertenberger the gallery will open at 6 p.m., so guests can
view the artwork prior to the talk. Many of the pieces are from private from collections, but other pieces will be for sale.
In addition, from 4-5:30, Mary Ann will lead an artists’ workshop for anyone from eight years old, up to adults. (Since the library is closed to the public on Fridays, children ages 8-12 must be accompanied by an adult). All supplies will be provided by the Arts and Humanities Council. Workshop attendees will complete 5”x5” painted portraits that will become part of a large mosaic. The mosaic will hang in the library for a period of time before being returned to the artists. Interested parties can sign up at the library’s front desk to reserve spots, so that supplies can be purchased. (Questions should be directed to Wertenberger at 402-245-6034.)
Mary Ann Chaney graduated from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, and a major in painting. Although her tastes in art vary, she primarily enjoys modern abstract expressionism. Painters such as American colorist Helen Frankenthaler and Spanish baroque Diego Velazquez have been very influential in her work.
Mary Ann owns her own studio and gallery in Brownville, where she paints and sells works that include contemporary landscapes, figurative art and abstract art. Her gallery also carries art books, prints and cards.
The artist’s solo show will hang in the Stalder Gallery from July 11-Aug. 23.