For 50 years, DSA Banquet has defined Jaycees

For over 50 years, the Falls City Area Jaycees have been hosting the Distinguished Service Awards Banquet. It is one night a year that really defines the meaning of the organization that is the Jaycees, while putting a spotlight on the amazing people and other organizations of this great community.

Six individuals who have been nominated by community members are honored for the good and service they have provided in this community. It is also the time the Jaycees give donations to local organizations with the money raised throughout the year with various fundraisers.

Regrettably, the Jaycees are unable to give donations at this year’s ceremony.

As many know, a new Jaycees’ Community Field has been developed, thanks to a generous land donation from Cory Snethen and family. The Jaycees want to be sure the field is used to its full potential by having several new events and fundraisers throughout the year. They have been able to host a Bush Pullers Tractor Pull, a Fall Carnival and a concert in September.  

Unfortunately, the concert was not a financial success and was poorly attended. This left no money to give out donations at the DSA Ceremony. However, the Jaycees do not give up.  They will continue to come up with new ideas and fundraisers to go along with the traditional tractor pull and demolition derby in order to raise funds to give back to this community.

Hopefully, 2014 will be a better year.  The people of Falls City are encouraged to attend these events and support Falls City and the local groups and organizations in this community.  Plus, the Jaycees will always show you a great time!

The Jaycees would also like to take this opportunity to encourage the citizens of Falls City to nominate someone for a Distinguished Service Award. With such a great town filled with some wonderful people, there should be letters pouring in for each category. Surely, everyone could nominate several deserving people in each category.  

Please, take the time to think of someone you feel has made a difference in your life and the community, and nominate them for an award. There are so many people that deserve to be recognized for their contributions to the community, but that won’t happen unless you take the time to nominate them.

The six awards given are:  Distinguished Service; Outstanding Educator; Boss of the Year; Outstanding Community Leader; Good Neighbor; and Robert J. Chab Community Service Award.

Nomination forms can be found in the Dec. 17 edition of the Journal, and can also be found at several local merchants places of business.  Letters can be sent to P.O. Box 202 or email Stefanie Wenz at

Letters can also be dropped off at State Farm Insurance, 2002 Stone St.  Nomination letters are due by Thursday, Jan. 9.

The Distinguished Service Awards Ceremony will be held on Monday, Jan. 20, at the Falls City Elks Club (2nd floor). There will be no dinner this year, but appetizers will be provided. The social hour begins at 6 p.m. and the awards ceremony follows at 7. Free will donations will be accepted.

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