At a presentation held Friday night at halftime of the FC Sacred Heart season-opening boys’ basketball game at Prichard Auditorium, School Supt. Msgr. Robert Roh announced the school’s plans for a new activity center and the gift of a large monetary donation that will go a long way in making it happen.
Msgr. Roh announced a $200,000 donation from the John and Amalia Morehead Family to kick off fundraising efforts for an activity center projected to cost in the neighborhood of $2.5 million. The building is to be located just east of the school and will house a basketball/volleyball arena, locker rooms, a weight room, kitchen and lunch room.
The hope is to have $1 million collected by April 1 of next year so construction can start the summer of 2014 and be completed before school opens in 2015.
The Schwerdt Design Group of Topeka, KS, is the architect for the project. Construction will be managed by AHRS of Bern, KS.
The school will be sending out letters and pledge cards in the next few days.
In addition to the Morehead gift, Msgr. Roh announced another donation, smaller only in fiscal terms. Erison and Easton Vonderschmidt, FCSH students and children of Chance and Jamie Vonderschmidt, in leiu of birthday gifts asked family members and friends for money to go toward the activity center.