Community Carol Sing Sunday at FCHS

Director Doug Kirkendall has announced that the annual Community Carol Sing is set for 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, in the auditorium at Falls City High School.

The program will include performances by students from both Falls City High and Sacred Heart, the Clefsmen, Falls City Brass and the First United Methodist Church Choir, directed by June Bowers, who will also provide accompaniment for carols in which the audience will participate.

The Rev. Andrew Chavanak, from St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Falls City, will sing a solo.  Pastor Tim Boatright of the Good News Assembly of God will give the invocation.

The public is invited to attend.  A free will offering will be accepted for student camperships.

The Falls City Ministerial Association sponsors this annual holiday event.

Those with questions can contact Kirkendall.

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