Deputy commended for ‘grace under pressure’

Richarsdson County Sheriff Randy Houser recently recognized Deputy Joshua Nincehelser with a certificate of commendation for exceptional performance of duty in a stressful and dangerous situation, which stemmed from a call Nincehelser responded to on the night of July 28.

“Performance such as this is characteristic of Deputy Nincehelser’s grace under pressure and ability to calmly respond to high stress situations, which reflects great credit upon himself, the Richadson County Sheriff’s Office and all law enforcement officers,” Houser said. His performance under stress is a testament to his character, training and professional orientation.

“It is a great pleasure to recognize Deputy Nincehelser’s superior performance of duty. Congratulations for a job well done.”   

Nincehelser responded to the possible drug overdose call at a residence in rural Richardson County and upon his arrival, he made contact with the subject, who had taken a large quantity of Xanax without a prescription. Several members of the subject’s family were present and while ambulance squad personnel  and paramedics attempted to assess their patient, the subject’s 16-year-old sister approached from inside the residence with several kitchen knives raised, shouting, “I’ll kill you all.”

Nincehelser presented the Tazer at a distance of approximately eight feet and calmly issued a warning to the assailant to drop the knives or be tazed. When she complied, Nincehelser placed her in handcuffs, detained her in his patrol vehicle and directed the ambulance squad personnel to retreat to the roadway adjacent to the property due to verbal threats and interference from another mail sibling. Nincehelser radioed for assistance, but it would be another 13 minutes before the next deputy arrived.

Nincehelser placed the other belligerent sibling in handcuffs and seated him in a lawn chair while he contained the chaotic situation. He was able to keep the overdose subject under observation and communicated calmly with the three adult family members who were present, while receiving further verbal abuse from the detained male sibling, until assistance arrived and it was safe for ambulance squad personnel to return and resume patient care.




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