Child safety seats checked Saturday morning at CMC




Area parents and caregivers will have an opportunity to have child safety seats checked as part of a safety event at the Community Medical Center in Falls City on Saturday, Aug. 10 between 9 a.m. and noon. Nationally certified child passenger safety technicians from Safe Kids will be present to provide assistance.  

“Our technicians will be in the north end of Community Medical Center’s parking lot,” says Laura Osborne, Safe Kids Southeast Coordinator. “We will assist parents, grandparents and other caregivers in securing passengers age 12 and under correctly in motor vehicles.

“We are looking forward to helping as many families as we can that evening,” Osborne says.

“It is our goal that children leave our event safer than they arrive. The misuse rates we have seen over 13 years of work in this field have been about 85% of all car seats we check. When our technicians work with a family, they are working to empower the parent and/or caregiver to install the child safety seat correctly themselves. This is important as we strive to keep the youngest citizens of SE Nebraska as safe as possible while traveling in motor vehicles.”

The hospital is located at 3307 Barada in Falls City. Anyone who transports children are encouraged to attend. Questions can be addressed to Marcia Harmon at Community Medical Center.




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