Falls City Economic Development and Growth Enterprise officials, in cooperation with Senator Deb Fischer’s office, have announced that plans have been finalized for Sen. Fischer’s visit to Falls City on Tuesday, April 30.
Sen. Fischer’s visit will be highlighted with a community tour that includes industrial site visits at CGB and WASP and a walk-about of Main Street Falls City.
“Falls City was designated the ‘2013 Showcase Community’ by Governor Dave Heineman thanks to our long list of recent accomplishments,” said Beckie Cromer, Executive Director of Falls City EDGE. “We look forward to not only sharing our success stories with Sen. Fischer but also our plans to advance development priorities in the future.”
The public is invited to attend an open house from 2:30-3 p.m. at the EDGE/Chamber of Commerce/Main Street offices located at 1705 Stone Street. Falls City EDGE encourages everyone to stop by and visit with Sen. Fischer, learn more about community development and enjoy refreshments.