(Students inducted last week to the Falls City High School Chapter of the National Honor Society, pictured above, from left: Derik Eickhoff, Desiree Herling, Karlene Embretson, Baylee Vrtiska, Emily Weaver, Brittney Ritter and Cody Schawang. Photo submitted.) |
On Thursday, April 11, seven new members were inducted into the Falls City Chapter of the National Honor Society.
The program began with an introduction and history of National Honor Society led by the principal and National Honor Society sponsor, Mr. Gale Dunkhas. The four qualities embraced by the National Honor Society are Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service.
The four qualities were described by the current National Honor Society officers: President David von Behren, Vice-President Claire Poppe, Secretary Courtney Chapple, and Treasurer Bethany Lampe.
The Induction Pledge was then recited and cards and certificates were distributed. The ceremony was closed with a few words from Mr. Dunkhas.
The new inductees include, senior Desiree Herling; juniors Karlene Embretson, Brittany Ritter, Cody Schawang and Emily Weaver; sophomores Derik Eickhoff and Baylee Vrtiska.
The National Honor Society officers served cake and punch to the new members and their families following the induction.