The Richardson County Commissioners, meeting in regular session Tuesday, March 19, approved the purchase of one Sheriff’s patrol vehicle and the advertisement for sealed bids on another Sheriff’s vehicle.
Sheriff Randy Houser was authorized to purchase from Hullman’s Ford a 2013 Ford police interceptor at the price established by the materiel division of the Nebraska Department of Administrative Services at $29,214. Competitive bidding is not required when such a price has been established. The delivery price to Hullman’s is $300.
Board members Dave Sickel and Jim Standerford (Jim Davidson was unable to attend the meeting) also authorized Sheriff Houser to advertise for sealed bids for the purchase of a pickup patrol unit. Bids are to be received by 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 16.
Five sealed bids for culvert materials were opened during the meeting and accepted only for review purposes by Highway Supt. Scott Huppert. After the review, the board voted to award the bid for culvert materials as specified in the bid notice and subject to inspection at delivery to Contech Engineered Solutions, Lincoln, for a total bid price of $43,677.19.
County Assessor Pam Vice met with the board to request approval for the Deputy Assessor, Michelle Kreifels, to attend a four-day training session to be held in Lincoln in May.
A motion was passed to adopt a resolution to cancel a check issued in error.