Sheriff presents Distress Warrant Return report

Sheriff Randy Houser presented the Distress Warrant Return report for the 2011 distress warrants to the Richardson County Commissioners when they met Tuesday, July 30, in the Courthouse.

Of a total of $24,074.93 that was to be collected, $16,340.68 was collected by the Sheriff’s Office and remitted to the County Treasurer.  Five warrants, amounting to $7,734.25, remain uncollected or are required to be re-issued.  County Attorney Doug Merz and County Assessor Pam Vice also attended this portion of the meeting.  Sheriff Houser spoke about a recent presentation by Advanced Correctional Healthcare and said that at this time the program would not be very beneficial for the Richardson County Jail.

Highway Supt. Scott Huppert told board members Dave Sickel, Jim Davidson and Jim Standerford that the tentative start date for the Preston Road construction project is Aug. 12. Equipment maintenance and the conditions of county roads after recent rain were also discussed, as well as bridge inspections and required signage on bridges.

Vicky McNealy, SENCA Executive Director, and Pam Armknecht met with the board about funding for the Richardson County Transit system.  They are considering a schedule of Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.  They are also developing an advisory board to meet several times per year to review the program and offer suggestions to SENCA to improve it.

In other developments, the board:
—Received the proposed FY 2013-14 budget document from County Clerk Mary Eickhoff.

—Met with EDGE Executive Director Beckie Cromer and EDGE President Bart Keller, who requested annual funding from Richardson County of $25,000.  This request will be considered.

—Approved the sub grant agreement with the NE Department of Health & Human Services for child support enforcement services with the County Attorney for Oct. 1, 2013, through Sept. 30, 2014, in the amount of $56,901.  Another motion approved the sub grant agreement with NDHH for child support enforcement with the Clerk of the District Court for the same period in the amount of $27,927.

Earlier, while meeting as a Board of Equalization, Assessor Pam Vice presented the three-year assessment plan for Richardson County.  The plan was approved and forwarded to the state.  Two tax list corrections were also approved.

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