Falls City Ed Foundation to award 26 scholarships

The Falls City Educational Foundation will award 26 scholarships worth $34,750 this spring for graduates of Falls City High School.

This year the Foundation has the $3,500 Downey Scholarship, which goes to a senior and can be used for further education at any trade school, college or university.  Seniors also can apply for the four scholarships that are designated for those planning to attend a trade school or two-year college program or the 17 scholarships that are designated for those planning to attend a four-year college or university.

Three of the scholarships for seniors at FCHS are new this year: The Ralph and Erna Barker Scholarship for $3,000; the Brenner Twins Memorial Scholarship for $2,000; and the Delpha Yoder Findley Memorial Scholarship for $500.

For past graduates of FC High, the new Betty Schawang Scholarships are being offered. These scholarships will be for students at a four-year college or university who are in the sophomore, junior or senior years of college and have a GPA of at least 3.0.  There are four Schawang Scholarships of $2,500 each. Preference will be given to students who are majoring in an agricultural field of study.

Applications for all scholarships offered by the Foundation can be found at the FCHS guidance counselor website: www.fctiger.org/vnews/display.v/ART/50bce5c490f4f

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