Senatorial candidate Kerrey to visit Falls City Saturday

Rick Martin, spokesman for Richardson County Nebraskans for Kerrey is pleased and honored to announce a visit by former United States Senator and Governor Bob Kerrey to Falls City on July 28, 2012.

Senator Kerrey accepted Mr. Martin’s invitation for the purpose ofreacquainting with old and new friends within Richardson County and to speak to his concerns of the apparent stalemate in our Nation’s Capital on conducting the Nation’s Business.

The July 28th event will be hosted by an independent group consisting of Republicans, Democrats and Independents.All citizens are encouraged to attend the meet and greet with Senator Kerrey and others at the home of Jerry and Wanda Jones from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.Cool refreshments with delicious home-made ice cream will be served with questions taken from the audience after words from Senator Kerrey.

“I am pleased many concerned Richardson County citizens and community leaders from both sides of the aisle have indicated a willingness to attend, to be informed and to see old and new friends,” Martin said. “Many of us, through our respective careers, education and needs of family have caused us to leave Nebraska for a time.We are fortunate to be able to return home.Though, we may leave Richardson County and the State of Nebraska for a time.No one can take Nebraska and our home out of us.Nebraska is our Brand and Richardson County is our home.

“It is most important to get the candidates before our community who are seeking National, State and Local Offices now more than ever.It is obvious, being strictly a Republican or a Democrat will not get the job done.Our representatives need to work together with the utmost respect and stop being so divisive and remember it is an honor to represent all the people of this great State. Not, only the Republicans or Democrats.Bob Kerrey states, he will cross party lines to resolve issues which are so important today for all Nebraskans.”

Bob Kerrey, accepted the presidency of New School University in New York City in 2001, he said, he is and always has been a Nebraskan.Bob was born and reared in Lincoln, and he’s a graduate of the university of Nebraska-Lincoln, a former Governor, two-term United States Senator and has always been a Lincoln and Omaha business owner.Senator Kerrey’s home is in Omaha, Nebraska.

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